port 1066




June 22, 2003

Well, it's back to the shitty HTML coding done by Angel. I removed the lame forum, perhaps if one can be found that doesn't suck I'll try to start a new one. Had HD problems recently, so some areas need to be fixed again. We have new coding help so that is going much smoother now. With a little luck and a lot of help, we may actually make Beta in the forseeable future. Big news is that I added a paypal link a the bottom. We are accepting donations for a new HD and an uninterrupted power supply. All donations are anonomyous so there will be no favortism shown.


P.S. Any suggestions for this page?




Nov 12, 2002

I've just added a page where you can find out the what new updates on the code, and find out what Gerald is working on right now, etc. It's up on the navigation bar under "Status."




Oct 28, 2002

Alrighty then. Update. Vote for us below. The right button doesn't work, I have to figure out why. Skills pages are updated. Next up on the list, the clan page.




Oct 15, 2002

It is currently midnight. I've completed the skills by level page. You can go there and take a gander. Feel free to tell me if you see any mistakes. It was a lot to copy, and I'm not sure my source was completely reliable.


I just changed the color scheme on the skills by level table. Go take a gander and tell me what you think. Note me if you don't see me or one of my alts.




Oct 14, 2002

Alright, I'm working on the skills by level page, but in the meantime, you can access the old one here.




Oct 12, 2002

Muahahahahah!!! I've done it. I am now the webmaster.


P.S. - If you can't tell, the website has undergone a major revision.






Copyright 2002 The Glimmers Staff